For years people predicted fees paid to money managers would fall as investors switched to index funds or cheaper passive strategies, but instead assets were directed to hedge funds that charge very high fees. 多年来,人们一直预计,随着投资者转向指数基金或比较便宜的被动策略,支付给基金经理人的费用将会下降,但现实恰恰相反,大量资产流向收费高昂的对冲基金。
While it is true growth in passive investments has outpaced that of traditional actively managed funds in the past 10 years, the total of passive investment is still less than 10 per cent of assets managed globally. 尽管在过去的10年,消极型投资的增长的确超过了传统的积极管理型基金,但消极型投资的总额,仍不到全球管理下资产的10%。
In different developing stage, the are some differences in the motivation of passive, R& D, invested in special assets, firm capability. 处于不同发展阶段的代工企业,被动代工、参与研发、专用资产投资、公司实力存在显著差异。